
At this very difficult time, we have put together this page to give everyone some clarity and more information about what to do in different situations. Please have a look at our most recent Risk Assessment and Action Plan for Helme as well as the Remote Learning Plan, should we need to close to a group of children due to Covid-19. 

Please contact us at anytime if you have any questions or concerns. 

helmecofeacademycovidra30.11.21.pdf .pdf
learningaccordmatcontingencyoutbreakmanagementplannovember21.pdf .pdf
learningaccordmatcontingencyoutbreakmanagementplansept211.pdf .pdf
helmecofeacademyriskassessmentnovember2020update.pdf .pdf
riskassessmentapril2021.pdf .pdf
familylateralflowtesting.pdf .pdf
helmecofeacademyremotelearningplanreviewedjan2022.pdf .pdf
covidcatchupfundingplan.pdf .pdf
lamatautumn2021covid19update1.pdf .pdf
returningtoschoolactionplan-helmecofeacademynov2020.pdf .pdf

Kirklees Covid-19 information

Follow the link to find out about Covid-19 in Kirklees.

Booking a test

Follow this link to find up to date information about testing and to book a Coronavirus test.Anyone who has symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) can get a free test to check if they have the virus

Families can now access a rapid covid test twice a week. A letter has been sent (5/3/2021) with information on how to obtain one. 



At this very difficult time, we have put together this page to give everyone some clarity and more information about what to do in different situations. Please have a look at our most recent Risk Assessment and Action Plan for Helme as well as the Remote Learning Plan, should we need to close to a group of children due to Covid-19. 

Please contact us at anytime if you have any questions or concerns. 

helmecofeacademycovidra30.11.21.pdf .pdf
learningaccordmatcontingencyoutbreakmanagementplannovember21.pdf .pdf
learningaccordmatcontingencyoutbreakmanagementplansept211.pdf .pdf
helmecofeacademyriskassessmentnovember2020update.pdf .pdf
riskassessmentapril2021.pdf .pdf
familylateralflowtesting.pdf .pdf
helmecofeacademyremotelearningplanreviewedjan2022.pdf .pdf
covidcatchupfundingplan.pdf .pdf
lamatautumn2021covid19update1.pdf .pdf
returningtoschoolactionplan-helmecofeacademynov2020.pdf .pdf

Kirklees Covid-19 information

Follow the link to find out about Covid-19 in Kirklees.

Booking a test

Follow this link to find up to date information about testing and to book a Coronavirus test.Anyone who has symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) can get a free test to check if they have the virus

Families can now access a rapid covid test twice a week. A letter has been sent (5/3/2021) with information on how to obtain one. 



At this very difficult time, we have put together this page to give everyone some clarity and more information about what to do in different situations. Please have a look at our most recent Risk Assessment and Action Plan for Helme as well as the Remote Learning Plan, should we need to close to a group of children due to Covid-19. 

Please contact us at anytime if you have any questions or concerns. 

helmecofeacademycovidra30.11.21.pdf .pdf
learningaccordmatcontingencyoutbreakmanagementplannovember21.pdf .pdf
learningaccordmatcontingencyoutbreakmanagementplansept211.pdf .pdf
helmecofeacademyriskassessmentnovember2020update.pdf .pdf
riskassessmentapril2021.pdf .pdf
familylateralflowtesting.pdf .pdf
helmecofeacademyremotelearningplanreviewedjan2022.pdf .pdf
covidcatchupfundingplan.pdf .pdf
lamatautumn2021covid19update1.pdf .pdf
returningtoschoolactionplan-helmecofeacademynov2020.pdf .pdf

Kirklees Covid-19 information

Follow the link to find out about Covid-19 in Kirklees.

Booking a test

Follow this link to find up to date information about testing and to book a Coronavirus test.Anyone who has symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) can get a free test to check if they have the virus

Families can now access a rapid covid test twice a week. A letter has been sent (5/3/2021) with information on how to obtain one. 



At this very difficult time, we have put together this page to give everyone some clarity and more information about what to do in different situations. Please have a look at our most recent Risk Assessment and Action Plan for Helme as well as the Remote Learning Plan, should we need to close to a group of children due to Covid-19. 

Please contact us at anytime if you have any questions or concerns. 

helmecofeacademycovidra30.11.21.pdf .pdf
learningaccordmatcontingencyoutbreakmanagementplannovember21.pdf .pdf
learningaccordmatcontingencyoutbreakmanagementplansept211.pdf .pdf
helmecofeacademyriskassessmentnovember2020update.pdf .pdf
riskassessmentapril2021.pdf .pdf
familylateralflowtesting.pdf .pdf
helmecofeacademyremotelearningplanreviewedjan2022.pdf .pdf
covidcatchupfundingplan.pdf .pdf
lamatautumn2021covid19update1.pdf .pdf
returningtoschoolactionplan-helmecofeacademynov2020.pdf .pdf

Kirklees Covid-19 information

Follow the link to find out about Covid-19 in Kirklees.

Booking a test

Follow this link to find up to date information about testing and to book a Coronavirus test.Anyone who has symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) can get a free test to check if they have the virus

Families can now access a rapid covid test twice a week. A letter has been sent (5/3/2021) with information on how to obtain one. 



At this very difficult time, we have put together this page to give everyone some clarity and more information about what to do in different situations. Please have a look at our most recent Risk Assessment and Action Plan for Helme as well as the Remote Learning Plan, should we need to close to a group of children due to Covid-19. 

Please contact us at anytime if you have any questions or concerns. 

helmecofeacademycovidra30.11.21.pdf .pdf
learningaccordmatcontingencyoutbreakmanagementplannovember21.pdf .pdf
learningaccordmatcontingencyoutbreakmanagementplansept211.pdf .pdf
helmecofeacademyriskassessmentnovember2020update.pdf .pdf
riskassessmentapril2021.pdf .pdf
familylateralflowtesting.pdf .pdf
helmecofeacademyremotelearningplanreviewedjan2022.pdf .pdf
covidcatchupfundingplan.pdf .pdf
lamatautumn2021covid19update1.pdf .pdf
returningtoschoolactionplan-helmecofeacademynov2020.pdf .pdf

Kirklees Covid-19 information

Follow the link to find out about Covid-19 in Kirklees.

Booking a test

Follow this link to find up to date information about testing and to book a Coronavirus test.Anyone who has symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) can get a free test to check if they have the virus

Families can now access a rapid covid test twice a week. A letter has been sent (5/3/2021) with information on how to obtain one. 
