Helme School Local Offer for children with Special Educational Needs or Disability

Inclusive practices which contribute to positive outcomes for children are at the center of all our work. Helme C of E Academy is committed to the promotion, support and improvement of children and young people’s learning in partnership with their families, schools and other support services. We recognise that at some point in any child’s time at Helme C of E Academy, he/she may require additional support to reach his/her potential. Regardless of the need and the length of time for which support is required, the school will meet that need. If this support cannot be provided by our experienced and highly-qualified staff then we will seek external specialist support. We believe that every child has a right to a broad curriculum that meets their needs. Each teacher at Helme C of E Academy is a teacher of Special Educational Needs and is committed to ensuring that every child is included in all aspects of school life.

Our school coordinator for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) is currently Mrs Lorna Siswick. Mrs Siswick coordinates the provision for children with additional needs, across the whole school. If you have any questions surrounding SEND, in the first instance please speak to your child’s class teacher. When you have spoken to your class teacher, Mrs Siswick is also avaliable and can be contacted through the school office. 

Click to read our SEND Policy

Essential SEND information SEND Policy (2023).pdf

sendreportjuly2021.pdf .pdf
sendpolicy2025.pdf .pdf

More information about the Kirklees Local Offer for SEND can be found here: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/local-offer/the-local-offer.aspx